Configuring an Anomaly for CloudSpend accounts

You can customize the date range, schedule reports, and share the anomalies configured for your cost accounts. Additionally, you can filter the anomalies based on the following categories:

  • Open: Displays the list of open anomalies across various report categories. By default, this filter is applied.
  • False Positive: Shows anomalies marked as false positives. You can review these anomalies and update their status to Acknowledged if needed.
  • Acknowledged: Lists anomalies confirmed as legitimate. You can change the status of these anomalies to False Positive if required.

Anomaly dashboard

On the Anomaly dashboard, you can view the summary and the list of anomalies configured for Accounts, Business Units, and Reports.

The Summary section at the top provides a quick summary of anomalies in the below statuses:

  • Configured: The total number of anomalies configured.
  • Open: The number of open anomalies.
  • False Positive:  The number of false anomalies.
  • Acknowledged: The number of acknowledged anomalies.
  • Suspended: The number of suspended anomalies.

Note that the status counts are updated in real-time to reflect the current state.

Configure Anomaly

To configure anomalies for Accounts, Business Units, and Reports follow the steps mentioned in the below sections.


You can set one or more anomalies in your subscription account. To configure anomalies for your cost accounts:

  1. Go to the CloudSpend console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Checks, and then select the Anomaly > Accounts tab.
  3. Click Configure Anomalyand complete the following steps:

Step 1: Choose Policy

  1. In the Choose Policy page, enter the Display Name for the new anomaly.
  2. Anomaly Policy: Select the applicable Anomaly Policy. Anomaly policies are reusable across multiple anomalies. If you wish to create a new policy, click Add to open the Anomaly Policy dialog box. To edit a policy, click Edit. After you make the necessary changes, click Save.
  3. In the Anomaly Policydialog box, enter the following details:
    1. Display Name: Enter a display name for the new anomaly policy.
    2. Resource Type: Choose Accounts.
    3. Accounts: Select the applicable account.
    4. Cost Type: Select one of six different cost types for the budget policy in case of hybrid cloud (AWS, Azure, and GCP): Blended, Actual, Unblended, Amortized, Recurring, or Credits. Azure accounts will have only the Actual Cost as the cost type and GCP accounts will have Actual Cost and Creditsas the cost type.
      • Blended: The average cost of usage across all billable accounts. For a hybrid account, the Blended cost type is considered by default for AWS accounts.
      • Unblended: The usage costs charged on a specific day.
      • Amortized: The total billable cost and the monthly reservation fees that are spread across the billing period.
      • Recurring: The billable amount that keeps repeating.
      • Actual Cost: The cost of raw usage and purchases for Azure and third-party marketplace offerings. This cost type is considered by default for Azure or GCP accounts in case of a hybrid account.
      • Credits: The discounts or promotional offers that reduce the total cost of your GCP usage.
    5. Tags: Choose the applicable tags for your account. You can refine your selection further by selecting tag keys and values. You can also use Tag Profiles to combine two or more tags with multiple conditions for better filtering options.
  4. Click Save to create the Anomaly Policy.
  5. Click Next to proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Configure Details

In the Configure Details page, enter the following details:

  1. Period: Choose the duration for the anomaly. The available options include Daily and Monthly.
    • Unit: This is the measurement in which an anomaly is configured for your cloud cost, and the default unit is Percentage.
    • Currency: Select the applicable supported currencies to create an anomaly using that currency.
    • Deviation Percentage: Enter the required deviation percentage. The configured percentage applies when the deviation percentage of an anomaly exceeds the set threshold. This helps in identifying unusual spending patterns, enabling timely investigation and corrective action to manage and control cloud expenses effectively.
  2. Click Next to proceed to step 3. To go back to the previous page, click Back.

Step 3: Notification Settings

In the Notification Settings page, configure the following details:

  1. Notify via: Choose the mode through which you'd like to get notified. If you select Users, the application will send notifications to the users whose email IDs are mapped. If you select Site24x7, the application will send notifications via the User Alert Groups.
    • IT Automation Templates: Automate incident remediation using IT Automation. This field is displayed only if you choose Site24x7 in the Notify via field. Select the applicable template.
    • Third-party Services: You can choose to receive notifications via third-party services of your choice. This field is displayed only if you choose Site24x7 in the Notify via field. Select the required third-party services.
    • Users/User Group/User Alert Group: Choose contacts from the drop-down list. Anomaly alert notifications are triggered only once and can only be sent to email contacts with Administrator and User roles in CloudSpend.
  2. Click Submit. You can view the newly configured anomaly by navigating to Anomaly > Accounts.

Business Units

To configure anomalies for your Business Units:

  1. Go to the CloudSpend console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Checks, and then select Anomaly > Business Units.
  3. Click Configure Anomalyand complete the following steps:

Step 1: Choose Policy

  1. In the Choose Policy page, enter the Display Name for the new anomaly.
  2. Anomaly Policy: Select the applicable Anomaly Policy. Anomaly policies are reusable across multiple anomalies. If you wish to create a new policy, click Add to open the Anomaly Policy dialog box. To edit a policy, click Edit. After you make the necessary changes, click Save.
  3. In the Anomaly Policydialog box, enter the following details:
    1. Display Name: Enter a display name for the new anomaly policy.
    2. Resource Type: Choose Business Units.
    3. Business Units: Select the applicable business unit.
    4. Cost Type: Select one of six different cost types for the budget policy in case of hybrid cloud (AWS, Azure, and GCP): Blended, Actual, Unblended, Amortized, Recurring, or Credits. Azure accounts will have only the Actual Cost as the cost type and GCP accounts will have Actual Cost and Creditsas the cost type.
      • Blended: Provides the average cost of usage across all billable accounts. For a hybrid account, the Blended cost type is considered by default for AWS accounts.
      • Unblended: The usage costs charged on a specific day.
      • Amortized: The total billable cost and the monthly reservation fees that are spread across the billing period.
      • Recurring: The billable amount that keeps repeating.
      • Actual Cost: The cost of raw usage and purchases for Azure and third-party marketplace offerings. This cost type is considered by default for Azure or GCP accounts in case of a hybrid account.
      • Credits: The discounts or promotional offers that reduce the total cost of your GCP usage.
    5. Click Save to create the Anomaly Policy.
  4. Click Next to proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Configure Details

  1. In the Configure Details page, enter the following details:
    • Period: Choose the duration for the anomaly. The available options include Daily and Monthly.
    • Unit: This is the measurement in which an anomaly is configured for your cloud cost, and the default unit is Percentage.
    • Currency: Select the applicable supported currencies to create an anomaly using that currency.
    • Deviation Percentage: Enter the required deviation percentage.The configured percentage applies when the deviation percentage of an anomaly exceeds the set threshold. This helps in identifying unusual spending patterns, enabling timely investigation and corrective action to manage and control cloud expenses effectively.
  2. Click Next to proceed to step 3. To go back to the previous page, click Back.

 Step 3: Notification Settings

  1. In the Notification Settings page, configure the following details:
    • Notify via: Choose the mode through which you'd like to get notified of the anomaly. If you select Users, the application sends notification to the users whose email ID is mapped. If you select User Group, the application sends notifications through the User Alert Groups that you choose.
    • Users/User Group: Choose contacts from the drop-down list. Anomaly alert notifications are triggered only once and can only be sent to email contacts with Administrator and User CloudSpend roles.
  2. Click Submit. You can view the newly configured anomaly by navigating to Anomaly > Business Units.


To configure anomalies for your Reports:
  1. Go to the CloudSpend console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Checks, and then select Anomaly > Reports.
  3. Click Configure Anomalyand complete the following steps:

Step 1: Choose Policy

  1. In the Choose Policy page, enter the Display Name for the new anomaly.
  2. Anomaly Policy: Select the applicable anomaly policy. Anomaly policies are reusable across multiple anomalies. If you wish to create a new policy, click Add to open the Anomaly Policy dialog box. To edit a policy, click Edit. After you make the necessary changes, click Save.
  3. In the Anomaly Policydialog box, enter the following details:
    1. Display Name: Enter a display name for the new anomaly policy.
    2. Resource Type: Choose Reports.
    3. Reports: Select the applicable report.
    4. Cost Type: The Cost Type lets you select one of six different cost types for the budget policy in case of hybrid cloud (AWS, Azure, and GCP): Blended, Actual, Unblended, Amortized, Recurring, or Credits. Azure accounts will have only the Actual Cost as the cost type and GCP accounts will have Actual Cost and Creditsas the cost type.
      • Blended: The average cost of usage across all billable accounts. For a hybrid account, the Blended cost type is considered by default for AWS accounts.
      • Unblended: The usage costs charged on a specific day.
      • Amortized: The total billable cost and monthly reservation fees that are spread across the billing period.
      • Recurring: The billable amount that keeps repeating.
      • Actual Cost: The cost of raw usage and purchases for Azure and third-party marketplace offerings. This cost type is considered by default for Azure or GCP accounts in case of a hybrid account.
      • Credits: The discounts or promotional offers that reduce the total cost of your GCP usage.
    5. Click Save to create the Anomaly Policy.
  4. Click Next to proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Configure Details

  1. In the Configure Detailspage, enter the following details:
    • Period: Choose the duration for the anomaly. The available options include Daily and Monthly.
    • Unit: This is the measurement in which an anomaly is configured for your cloud cost, and the default unit is Percentage.
    • Currency: Select the applicable supported currencies to create an anomaly using that currency.
    • Deviation Percentage: Enter the required deviation percentage. The configured percentage applies when the deviation percentage of an anomaly exceeds the set threshold. This helps in identifying unusual spending patterns, enabling timely investigation and corrective action to manage and control cloud expenses effectively.
  2. Click Next to proceed to step 3. To go back to the previous page, click Back.

Step 3: Notification Settings

  1. In the Notification Settingspage, configure the following details:
    • Notify via: Choose the mode through which you'd like to get notified of the anomaly. If you select Users, the application sends notification to the users whose email ID is mapped. If you select User Group, the application sends notifications through the User Alert Groups that you choose.
    • Users/User Group: Choose contacts from the drop-down list. Anomaly alert notifications are triggered only once and can only be sent to email contacts with Administrator and User CloudSpend roles.
  2. Click Submit. You can view the newly configured anomaly by navigating to Anomaly > Reports.

Anomaly details

The Anomaly Details page provides all information related to your anomalies. You can view the anomaly details by selecting the applicable anomaly from the Accounts, Business Units, or Reports section in the Checks page.

The Anomaly Details page provides the following:

  • The anomaly summary details and similar anomalies identified in other cost accounts.
  • Schedule a report and share the anomaly details as a PDF or as an email using the Share button.
  • List of all the alerts that were raised for a particular anomaly in the Recent Alerts section. You can view the time of the notification, the medium through which it was sent, the period, the detected anomaly, the threshold, and the deviation percentage.
  • Monthly, quarterly, or yearly historical data related to your anomaly. This can help you get an idea about details such as the anomaly incident time, severity, deviation percentage, and expected anomaly. Click the applicable Incident Time to view the Root Cause Analysis page.

Schedule report

You can schedule the below three types of reports for the configured anomaly,

  • Dashboard: The anomaly dashboard, which includes the list of all anomalies.
  • Details: The anomaly details page of individual anomaly entries.

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