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Windows Agent installation

After creating either a domain or a workgroup and defining the scope of management, the next step is to install agents on all the Windows machines that you want to manage. Use any of the methods below to automate Windows agent installation:

Install distribution servers and remote office agents using command line interface
    1. Log in to the web console and navigate to the Agent tab.
    2. Choose Agent installation under Scope of Management from the left pane.
    3. Select Other methods and choose the Download option under Command Line tab.
    4. From the downloaded zip file, extract the UEMSAgent.msi, UEMSAgent.mst, and DCAgentServerInfo.json files, and paste them in a shared path accessible by all the computers you want to install the agent on.
    5. From the extracted location, compress the following files using 7-zip:
      • UEMSAgent.msi
      • UEMSAgent.mst
      • DCAgentServerInfo.json
      • Setup.bat
    6. Once the download/installation is completed, you can right-click setup.bat and run as administrator to execute it.
    7. You will be prompted to choose from the following options displayed in the Command Prompt:
      • Install Distribution Server in the computer
      • Install Agent in this computer
      • Install Distribution Server in this computer and agents in multiple computers
      • Install Agents in multiple computers
    8. If you want to install agents on multiple computers, you should add the computer names or IP addresses in a text file, i.e., computernames.txt, and keep this ready.

The admin$\Temp folder of the target machine must be reachable from the computer where you're pushing these agents.

    1. Choose option 3 from the options displayed in the Command Prompt.
    2. Upon providing the administrator credentials, agent installation will begin.

If the distribution server is already installed, choose option 4 from the Command Prompt options to invoke agent installation on multiple computers.

Remote agent installation
  1. Log in to the web console, and navigate to the Agent tab.
  2. Choose Remote Offices under Scope of Management from the left pane.
  3. Select a remote office and click Download WAN Agent under the Download Agent column.
  4. Follow the on-screen installation instructions to complete the installation.
Agent installation using local Active Directory

The distribution server must be added and installed manually before proceeding with agent installation.

    1. Navigate to the Agent tab > Computers > Add Computers. Select an AD Connector, and add a domain or workgroup.
    2. Click Select Computers.This opens the Select Computers dialog box, which lists all the available computers of the domain or workgroup.
    3. Select the computers that need to be managed, and click Ok. You can also manually specify the computer names instead of choosing them from the list. The selected computers get added to the Selected Computers table in the Add Computers view.
    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for adding computers from multiple domains or workgroups. Check the box next to Install Agent immediately to install agents in the selected computers immediately. When this option is not selected, the computers are only added, and the agents need to be installed later via the Agent tab > Computers > Install Agent.
    5. Click Done to add the selected computers. All the selected computers get added to the Scope of Management.
    6. The Computers page will list all the computers that are being managed along with the status of the agent installation and the agent version. Agents can also be installed later via the Agent tab > Computers > Install Agent.

Roaming agents cannot be installed through the AD.

Using agent installation link

The agent can be downloaded from a copied link. The copied link can be shared to end users who could then download and install the agents in their machines. This option is available on clicking Download Agent from Remote Offices or Computers tab. On clicking copy option, the URL for the selected Remote Office will be created. The default expiry time of the URL is 15 days. Using the copied link, agent can be installed:

  • Directly from the browser
  • From the terminal

Directly from the browser:

On visiting the copied URL from the browser, the user will be presented with an option to download the agent. The user has to select the OS and the agent download will be initiated. If the user visits the URL from an unsupported browser, an error page will be displayed. If the user visits the copied URL from a supported browser post the expiry time, the error page will be displayed.


From the terminal:

In case the user wishes to download the agent via terminal, he/she can do so, by modifying the copied URL. The format of the copied URL from the console (for US Data Center) is:


For terminal based download, an extra OS parameter is required:


The valid OS parameter is Windows for Windows agent installation.

Agent can be downloaded using CURL. The CURL download command is:

      • curl "paste_copied_url_with_os_param" --output DCAgent.exe - (Windows)



Silent Installation of Agent EXE (Windows):

Once the URL is downloaded, the agent can be installed silently using EXE itself for Windows machines by adding "/silent" argument. The command to install agent is:

DCAgent.exe /silent

Alternatively, the installation process can be automated using a powershell script.

      1. Replace the url in the below script with the copied url
      2. Save the script as .ps1 filetype
      3. Run the powershell script

Downloaded User:

For additional security, on enabling waiting for approval option, we can get to know from which technician's shared link, the agent was installed. Based on this, we can approve the computers to be managed.

Agent deployment along with OS

For enterprises which have new machines to be managed and where the required operating system has to be deployed, the agent can be deployed with the OS.

Agent installation through network share

Agent installer files can be easily accessed from a common central location. There is no need for transferring complete agent installer files to all devices in a network.

IP range based agent deployment

When there are numerous endpoints in a workgroup based setup in an enterprise, using IP ranges, agents can be deployed in bulk to all the devices.

    • IP ranges: Agent can be installed using IP address or IP ranges or using computer names
Agent installation for cloud-based setup

The product server can be hosted in cloud using Microsoft Azure or AWS. The agents can be deployed in Azure AD and AWS instances.

Agent Installation via MDT
  • Log in to the console and navigate to Agent -> Computers -> Download Agent and place it in a folder.
  • Open the MDT Workbench application.
  • Click the Application->New Application option.

  • Select "Application with source files"

  • Enter the details of the target application

  • Indicate the location of the folder where the agent is downloaded and click next

  • Enter a destination folder name.

Enter the command line for silent installation:

LocalOffice_Agent.exe /silent

Verify the summary and click finish, the application will be added to the list of apps.


Agent Installation through GPO

When an enterprise has an Active Directory Domain based setup with numerous endpoints to be managed, the agent can be installed using the Group Policy Object.

Agent Installation with SCCM
    • Navigate to Agent -> Computers -> Download Agent and download the respective remote office agent installer file.
    • Paste the exe in a share path accessible by all the computers on which the agent is to be installed.
    • Download the script given below and update the shared path with your network share path.


sccm agent installation
  • Now, open System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) and navigate to Software Library -> Overview -> Application Management ->Packages.
  • This will launch Create Package and Program Wizard window, in which you will be asked to fill in the necessary information like Name, Description, Manufacturer, etc.
1 sccm
    • Enable the checkbox This package contains source files. Select Network path and enter the path of the shared folder as shown below.
2 sccm
    • Select Architecture as x86 (if available) and the program type as Standard and click Next.
3 sccm
    • Fill in the necessary information, as shown in the image below and click Next.
4 sccm
    • Review the requirements and ensure they are like as shown in the image below and click Next.
5 sccm
    • After reviewing, confirm the settings to proceed to create the package
6 sccm
    • The package has been created successfully.
7 sccm
      • The package can now be deployed to the end user's computers.

Note: The agents will be installed in the target computers, but in case you have enabled "Waiting for Approval", further communication with the server occurs only if these target computers are approved from the Waiting for Approval tab that is present at Agent > Computers > Waiting for Approval.

  • The Waiting for Approval feature is provided to ensure security and prevent the misuse of the product without the administrator's knowledge. Even if the agent has been installed on a computer, it can be declined by the administrator from this console, thereby preventing further communication with the server.
  • The computers added directly from the Managed Computers tab, are not applicable for this feature.
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