Endpoint Central (formerly known as Desktop Central) requires credentials like user name and password to perform various endpoint management activities inside the product, say for adding a domain or workgroup, for accessing a network share to deploy software, for deploying certain configurations etc., These credentials details are collected at different places dependent on where they are required, and managing them across the product is tedious and time consuming. Credential Manager provides a unified solution to store and manage all these credentials globally from a centralized location.
Credential manager validates the domain credentials while you add them and the invalid credentials are not accepted. Any changes related to the user name or password of domain credentials are notified to you in the form of alerts. Thus you can incorporate these changes globally using credential manager, instead of changing them in all the areas across the product. Other workgroup and user credentials are not validated using credential manager, so ensure that you provide the correct details. The workgroup and domain credentials added under the scope of management are considered as root account credentials and are automatically stored in the credential manager. You are not allowed to delete these root account credentials, if needed you can modify them. Similarly you are not allowed to delete a credential, if it is used inside the product, say for executing a software. The details stored here will be encrypted using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
Administrators and technicians with write privileges can add the credentials, by navigating to Admin > Global Settings > Credential Manager > Add Credentials.
However, these technicians do not have the privileges to view or modify the credentials added by the administrator and other users. The privilege to view/modify the list of stored credentials is given only to the administrator. But the added passwords cannot be viewed by anyone, including the administrator.
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