Users can request access to unmanaged apps in Strict Mode. This acts as a bridge by offering access only to applications that are explicitly requested. Sysadmins will receive notifications via mail and can approve or deny requests based on justifications. It helps increase productivity of both the sysadmin and the users by enabling users to request access and administrators to qualify these applications based on the justification provided by the user.
To enable Request access, the app group associated should be present in Strict mode with request access enabled. When a user attempts to access an unmanaged application while on Strict mode, they can request access to the application by providing a reason.
Note: When a user requests an application, the permission is given to all computers in the specified custom group.
Users who attempt to access unmanaged applications under Strict mode settings may request access by providing a justification. Such requests will be communicated via email to the specified domain address. To configure email notification settings for access requests, please follow these steps:
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