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Dynamic Variables

Dynamic Variables are those that are replaced dynamically by Endpoint Central while applying the configurations. As the name implies, the value of these variables are not the same for all the users/computers.

For example, to redirect the shortcuts of the start menu that are common for all the users to the system drive, you can use the dynamic variable $SystemDrive. This will be replaced by the corresponding system drive of that computer (like C, D, etc.) while deploying the configuration.

The table below lists the dynamic variable supported by Endpoint Central:

Dynamic Variable Description Example Value of the Variable


Specifies the path to the command interpretor



Refers to the home directory as defined in UMD/AD



Role of NT/2000/XP computer

Server, Workstation


Short name of currently installed operating system



2000 & XP will report back as NT

Windows 2000


2000 & XP will report back as NT



Refers to the build number of the currently installed operating system

1381, 2195


Refers to the service pack of the currently installed operating system

Service Pack 4


Will be replaced by the full path of the "Default User" profile

C:\Documents and Settings\Default User


Will be replaced by the full path of where user profiles are stored

C:\Documents and Settings


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Temporary Internet Files shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Internet Cookies shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Cookies


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Desktop shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Desktop


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Favorites shell folder (also referred to as "IE Bookmarks").

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Favorites


Will be replaced by the path to current user's History shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Local Settings\History


Will be replaced by the path to current user's My Pictures shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\My Documents\My Pictures


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Network Neighborhood shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\NetHood


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Personal shell folder (also referred to as "My Documents")

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\My Documents


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Printer Neighborhood shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\PrintHood


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Start Menu Programs shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Start Menu\Programs


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Recent Documents shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Recent


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Send To shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\SendTo


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Start-Menu shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Start Menu


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Start Menu Startup shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Will be replaced by the path to current user's Templates shell folder

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Templates


Refers to the drive where OS files are located



Will be replaced by the path to operating system folder



Will be replaced by the path to the temporary directory on the client

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnSmith\Local Settings\Temp


Will be replaced by the path to user's Windows folder (usually same as SystemRoot, exception would be a terminal server)


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