Best practices for OS imaging and deployment | E-Book


Shrinking partitions

Shrinking is process done to reduce the size of the partition. Before imaging the disk partitions, you can shrink them to decrease the space occupied by the primary partitions and logical drives. This partition can be imaged and deployed on target computers with lesser disk space.

  • For example, the original partition size of the computer you want to image is 1 TB but the used space is 200 GB, you can shrink this partition to the allowed size. Later, this partition can be imaged and deployed on any target computer with lesser disk space. 

Why is shrinking needed?

If your organization has computers with different hard disk sizes, you can shrink the partition and image those computers to avoid disk size incompatible errors during deployment. If partition shrinking is done before imaging, the image can be deployed to any computer irrespective of the hard disk size.

Steps to shrink partition during imaging

While creating an image you can shrink partitions in the OS deployment console. Follow the steps given below to shrink partitions,

  1. Refer this document and configure the details for creating an image. 
  2. Now select the button Shrink partition & start imaging to shrink the partitions you are planning to image. 


    • System's internal and hidden partitions cannot be shrunk.
    • If the allowed shrink size is lesser than 256 MB, partition will not be shrunk.
    • Ensure that you do not shrink the already shrunk partition to avoid errors.
  3. You will be navigated to Shrink selected partitions view.
  4. Select the partitions which you want to shrink and click Shrink button.

Now the partitions will be shrunk to the allowed size before imaging process. To revert/extend the shrunk partition refer this document. 

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