Best practices for OS imaging and deployment | E-Book


Deployment via tasks

You can perform deployment by creating deployment tasks. Follow the steps given below to add deployment tasks,

Steps to create deployment tasks:

Under Deploy, select Deployment Task under Deploy Image section.

Select Add Deployment Task

Adding deployment tasks

    1. Deployment Template
      • Specify a unique name for deployment task
      • Select the deployment template using which you have customized the image. You will be able to view the details of the deployment template now.
    2. Remote Office(s)
      • Ensure that the selected image in the template is successfully replicated in the remote office.
      • The remote offices to which the selected image has been replicated will be automatically added here.
      • Refer this document to learn more about Remote Offices
    3. Deployment Mode

You can deploy image either by generating passcode or by using the MAC address.

      • By generating passcode: You can generate a unique 4 or 6 digit code and enter this code in the target computer to deploy the image. Ensure that the target computer connects to the ManageEngine Endpoint Central OS deployment server. You can also view the authentication code, set for various deployment tasks in the deployment tasks view.
      • By using the MAC address You can add the computer details by specifying the computers MAC address, IP address and subnet mask details to remotely wake up computer and initiate deployment. 
    1. Deployment Settings

      You can select the deployment method to deploy the images.

        • Multicast Deployment method

          In multicast deployment method the server sends the image copy to multiple computers at the same time and this prevents excess bandwidth consumption. For example, if you have purchased 100 bare metal machines and you want deploy OS to them at the same time, you can choose multicast method. The bandwidth consumption will be less in this method, since the same copy of OS image will be sent to all the target computers at a time. This method is recommended when you want to deploy images to multiple computers.


          • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used for multicast deployment. Hence ensure that the required network routers and switches must be IGMP enabled and correctly configured. The detailed information on configuring router and switches can be viewed in the documentation provided with the hardware. 
          • For multicast deployment, OS deployment server uses IP address of range to and port 20001. Ensure that these IP addresses and port are not used for other process.
        • Unicast Deployment method

          In unicast deployment method the server sends the image copy to each computer one by one. For example, you might have a new joiner in your organization and you want to give a new system to him with a specific OS, you can choose unicast deployment method. In this method, server will send the OS image to each target computer separately. This method is recommended for deployment upto 5 computers.

        • Deployment waiting time

      Specify the time interval for the target computers to connect to the server. The waiting time will be initiated once you click the Deploy Now button. If you enable the Schedule Deployment option the waiting time will start at the scheduled time. During this time interval, the server will wait for the target computers to connect and the deployment will be initiated once the target computer is connected to the server.

      Note: Ensure that you set the required deployment waiting time, since the authentication passcode has to be entered within the specified time to initiate deployment. 

        • Schedule Deployment

      You can schedule the time interval for deployment based on the feasible time in your organization. 

Deployment task has been created successfully. Boot the computer using bootable media and initiate deployment. You can view the status of the deployment under the Deployment status tab.


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