Our Traffic Monitoring Software Answers to

Need of the hour: Real Time Traffic Monitoring Software.

Enterprises depend on their networks to meet ever-growing business demands. As the use of cloud applications rises, network traffic performance is taking a hit, and monitoring it is becoming more complex. It's essential to ensure a congestion-free network so business-critical activities can be completed without any hiccups. However, it's easier said than done.  

The ideal solution is advanced traffic monitoring software to monitor network traffic in real time and identify network congestions proactively. With NetFlow Analyzer, you can run your network seamlessly by gaining visibility over many factors like: 

  • The top talkers and in/out conversations in your network.
  • Protocol and applications-wise usage of network bandwidth.
  • Real-time bandwidth usage across network devices.
  • Packet loss and latency throughout your network.

Network traffic monitoring tools help you have a basic understanding of these indicators and how they impact network performance that can help you proactively evade common bandwidth issues.

NetFlow Analyzer: Comprehensive network traffic monitor software

NetFlow Analyzer is flow-based network traffic monitor tool that helps you better understand your network traffic speed and bandwidth utilization. From exporting flows and initiating the monitoring process in a single click to making informed decisions on capacity planning, our traffic analyzing tool offers a comprehensive solution for all your network traffic management needs.

Flow-based traffic monitoring.

NetFlow Analyzer leverages several flow technologies and provides real-time visibility into network bandwidth usage. Flow monitoring offers insights on source/destination ports, the sender's/receiver's IP addresses, quality of service (QoS), amount of data transferred, and the length of any conversation happening across a network. This is considered to be the most effective way to resolve complex network performance issues.

The edge: Flow monitoring vs. other monitoring techniques.

  • Requires less data storage compared to other network monitoring techniques.
  • More historical data can be archived.
  • Helps in managing QoS policies for business-critical applications.
  • Supports advanced technologies like NBAR2
  • Proactively identifies suspicious and potentially malicious network behaviour.

NetFlow Analyzer supports leading flow technologies such as:

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Application and protocol monitoring.

With NetFlow Analyzer's network protocol analyzer feature, it's easier than ever to monitor and analyze application-level traffic. Applications can be mapped based on port, protocol, and IP addresses, and you can also group applications for ease of monitoring. Additionally, with this network traffic monitor, you can set the right QoS policies to ensure that business-critical applications are always served on a high priority basis.

The need for protocol monitoring.

Why do you need to identify the protocols in the network if you can already see the applications being used and their related conversations? 

By using protocol distribution monitoring, you can find the bandwidth used by each protocol in the network; this aids in finding any unwanted protocols being used, based on which you can reallocate this bandwidth to critical applications. 

It also helps you to determine if any inactive application protocols are being used in the network, which might consume valuable bandwidth. For instance, many employees tend to use highly vulnerable protocols like Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) for file transfers, which are often against the company's network policy. However, to trace back and identify the violator's IP address is a tedious and time-consuming process.

Using NetFlow Analyzer's Protocol Distribution report, monitoring bandwidth use and eliminating such protocol violations is simple. 

Ensure your server is up and running, 24/7.

  • Perform multi-level threshold-based monitoring.
  • Track active processes, services, applications, and more.
  • Get a holistic view of server performance with custom dashboards.
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Real-time network traffic graphs and automated reports.

Our real-time network traffic monitoring tool keeps track of critical parameters, such as the applications consuming the most bandwidth and the top talkers in your network. By identifying real-time bandwidth use by device, you can visualize the happenings across the network and eliminate potential bandwidth bottlenecks

The benefits of using our traffic monitoring software's traffic reports:

  • Get instantaneous bandwidth stats.
  • Reports can be customized.
  • Schedulable reports which requires minimal human intervention.
  • Reports can also be exported in PDF or CSV formats.
  • Stores both aggregated as well as raw data.
  • Option to resolve IP address to a host name / website.

Threshold-based alerts.

NetFlow Analyzer proactively acts as a bandwidth usage checker by enabling you to set predefined threshold values to monitor your bandwidth utilization. Alerts are generated when the set threshold limits are exceeded. You can configure the threshold values based on duration, frequency, and utilization. With the free network traffic monitoring tool, you can even monitor your network traffic on the go by configuring alerts to send as trap messages or email notifications.

Overcoming network challenges using NetFlow Analyzer: 

Let's say you're a major provider of website hosting services and use NetFlow Analyzer for traffic monitoring. On a daily average, the traffic to your hosted sites won't be below 1Gbps; if the traffic to these sites appears to be less than 100Mbps, this is a reason for concern.

As an IT network administrator, you would have configured the threshold-based alert profile for monitoring the traffic to your hosted sites. An alert will be generated and sent to the configured email regarding the suspiciously low traffic to the sites. Upon receiving this alert, you can take immediate action and resolve the issue in no time. 

By setting up threshold alerts, the low network speed to the hosted websites would have been proactively monitored even before clients reported any network issues. The time taken to identify the root cause of network bandwidth issues and the mean time to resolve these issues is minimized by using NetFlow Analyzer.

Custom and user-specific dashboards.

Rather than staring at boring bandwidth stats all day, our user-friendly dashboards enable you to customize dashboards according to your preferences. With our extensive customization options, it only takes a quick glance to get detailed information on all the top activities that happen across your network. NetFlow Analyzer provides more than 50 unique widgets to help you stay on top of your network activities. You can set a page refresh time for the dashboards, and get real-time updates on the top talkers, conversations, destinations, and source IP in devices, interfaces, interface groups, and IP groups by speed, volume, and utilization criteria. 

Traffic Monitor Software - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer

You can select the role of an administrator, operator, or guest by using the User Management setting. Depending on the role selected, the dashboard widget preference will be altered to suit your monitoring needs.

ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer is a powerful bandwidth analysis and network traffic monitor that supports IPv6. Its other capabilities include traffic shapingIP SLA reportingQoS reportingMedianet reportingWAAS reporting, and more. Our traffic monitoring software doesn't require any hardware probes, and can be downloaded, used in your network environment, and evaluated for 30 days. Start your evaluation by trying our fully-functional traffic monitor's free edition now!

More on Traffic Monitoring Software

What is traffic monitoring?


Why is traffic monitoring important in network?


How does traffic monitoring software work?

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