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Inventory Scan failure - WMI Service is Down / Disabled



You are unable to proceed with manual / scheduled Inventory Scanning and you get an error - "WMI Connection Failed"/"Asset Scan Locked" during the process.


Note: If you encounter the error message "Asset Scan is Locked," it indicates that dcinventory.exe has likely crashed. Please reach out to support for further assistance. 

You will encounter this error due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • Client machine is too slow due to reasons like high CPU/Memory utilization.
  • WMI is not configured properly.
  • WMI repository corrupted.
  • WMI Service Disabled


  1. To check if WMI Service is running
  2. To check if WMI Repository is corrupted
  3. To perform a repair/re-sync of the WMI repository
  4. To rebuild your WMI repository

To check if WMI Service is running:

  • Open Services and check the "Windows Management Instrumentation" status is Running and startup type is Automatic

To check if WMI Repository is corrupted:

    • Run


WMI repository is corrupted step 1

    • Connect to namespace root\cimV2

WMI repository is corrupted step 2

    • Select query and enter

      Select * from Win32_operatingsystem

WMI repository is corrupted step 3

  • The above image depicts healthy wmi repository
  • Incase error occurs in wbemtest, then rebuild/repair/resync the wmi repository.

To perform a repair/re-sync of the WMI respository:

Run the following commands in Command Prompt as administrator on the machine being monitored:

  • For Windows XP and Windows 2000 Servers:
        • To clear the WMI performance counter settings.

    winmgmt /clearadap

        • To stop the WMI Service.

    winmgmt /kill

        • To unregister the WMI service.

    winmgmt /unregserver

        • To register the WMI service.

    winmgmt /regserver

        • To re-synchronizes performance counters.

    winmgmt /resyncperf

  • For Windows 2003 Servers:
        • To recompile all MOF Files.

    wmiadap.exe /c

        • To reload the performance library and rebuilds the performance counters.

    wmiadap.exe /f

        • To reload all performance counters and their settings from the Windows registry.

    lodctr /R

  • For Windows 7 and later versions, and Windows Server 2008:

    winmgmt /salvagerepository

To rebuild your WMI repository follow the below steps:

  • Open Services, locate the Windows Management Instrumentation service. Set the Startup Type to Disabled and Stop the Service.
  • Remove or rename the Repository folder from the path


  •  Once you have removed or renamed the Repository folder ,set the Startup Type as Enable and Start the Windows Management Instrumentation Service.
  • Open Command Prompt as Administrator and execute the following commands:
    1. cd C:\Windows\System32\wbem\

    2. for /f %s in ('dir /b *.mof') do mofcomp %s

      Kindly note that the above command will take a minute or so to complete. Once completed proceed with below command.

    3. for /f %s in ('dir /b en-us\*.mfl') do mofcomp en-us\%s

    Open Performance Monitor to verify that all counters can be loaded

    Note: If you encounter an error in Performance Monitor, refer the Microsoft KB document for assistance.


    After completing all the steps, Verify if WMI service is running in the services.

    • If the service is running, change the startup type to automatic
    • Restart the WMI service to proceed with asset scan

    If the above settings are already configured:

    • Press Windows and R button to open RUN dialog, and enter


    • Click Connect and select Query.
    • Execute the query

      Select * from Win32_operatingsystem

    • If this works, resume your inventory scan operation.
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