How to send log files to the Endpoint Central support team?
When you face issues while working with Endpoint Central, it is mandatory for our experts to refer to your logs to resolve the issues you are facing. To provide an appropriate solution for your issue, you must send us log files along with a description of the issue and screen shots, depending on the issue. You can follow this document and upload the required logs, if you are using Endpoint Central build # 80293 or later versions. If you are using older versions of Endpoint Central, migrate to the latest version.
There are two stages in sending the log files, they are:
List of Endpoint Central Log Files and their Locations
The following are the list of logs, that might be needed for trouble shooting purposes. You can find the steps to archive the logs
and the steps involved in sending it to the Endpoint Central support.
Need to upload the server logs while facing any problems from the below mentioned location. If you are using the server version below 10.1.2220.1 upload logs from <Install_Dir>\DesktopCentral_Server\logs. If you are using version 10.1.2220.1 or above upload logs from <Install_Dir>\UEMS_CentralServer\logs
Note: <Install_Dir> refers to the directory where the server is installed.
Endpoint Central Distribution Server
You need to upload Distribution Server logs, if you are facing problems on managing your remote office computers.
<Installation_Directory>\ ManageEngine\UEMS_DistributionServer\ logs, if you are using Endpoint Central 11.2.2309.01 and above
For example,C:\Program Files\ ManageEngine\UEMS_DistributionServer\ logs or if you are using Endpoint Central below 11.2.2309.01,
<Installation_Directory>\ ManageEngine\Desktopcentral_DistributionServer\ logs
For example,C:\Program Files\ ManageEngine\Desktopcentral_DistributionServer\ logs
Endpoint Central Secure Gateway Server
You need to upload Secure Gateway Server logs, if you are facing problems in using a Secure Gateway.
<Installation_Directory>\ ME_Secure_Gateway_Server\ logs.
For example, C:\Program Files\ ME_Secure_Gateway_Server\ logs
You need to upload ServiceDesk Plus Server logs, if you are facing problems in using Endpoint Central in integrated mode with ServiceDesk Plus.
<SDP Server Home>\server\default\log.
Note: You can also obtain the error log files from the Support tab by clicking on the Support File link in the ServiceDesk Plus Web console.
Endpoint Central Windows Agent
From the computer, where you have installed the Endpoint Central agent, perform the following operations:
- Go to command prompt and navigate to the location, where Endpoint Central Agent is installed.
For example: C:\Program Files <x86>\ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent\bin, if you are using Endpoint Central 11.2.2309.01 and above and C:\Program Files <x86>\ManageEngine\Desktopcentral_Agent\bin, if you are using Endpoint Central below 11.2.2309.01
- Type, dcagenttrayicon.exe -logs and press enter
- You can see that the Endpoint Central logs will be extracted and archived in the ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent folder, if you are using Endpoint Central 11.2.2309.01 and above or in the ManageEngine\Desktopcentral_Agent folder, if you are using Endpoint Central below 11.2.2309.01.
The file will be saved in .7z format, the file name will be 1_<system name>_ZOHOCORP.7z (Example: 1_win2000_ZOHOCORP.7z)

- Open the Windows Run window (using Windows key + R) and execute "%programdata%/zohomeeting/log." This will open the Zoho Meeting logs folder.
- Zip all the files and include the created zip file while uploading the logs.
- You can upload/send this log file to the Endpoint Central support team.
Endpoint Central Mac Agent
From the computer, where you have installed the Endpoint Central agent, perform the following operations:
- Go to the Terminal
- As shown in the image, navigate to the folder where Endpoint Central agent is installed
(Example- machine name: ~machine name cd /Library/ManageEngine/UEMS_Agent/bin/, if you are using Endpoint Central 11.2.2309.01 and above or machine name: ~machine name cd /Library/Desktopcentral_Agent/bin/, if you are using Endpoint Central below 11.2.2309.01
- Type ./dcagenttrayicon logs.
- You can see that the Endpoint Central logs will be extracted and archived in the ManageEngine/UEMS_Agent/ folder, if you are using Endpoint Central 11.2.2309.01 and above or in the ManageEngine/Desktopcentral_Agent/ folder, if you are using Endpoint Central below 11.2.2309.01 .
The file will be saved in .zip format, the file name will be 1_<computer name> (Example:

- Navigate to ~/Library/Logs/ZohoAssist. Zip the contents of this folder
- You can upload/send these log files to the Endpoint Central support team.
Endpoint Central Linux Agent
From the computer, where you have installed the Linux agent, perform the following operations:
- Go to the Terminal
- Navigate to the location where Endpoint Central agent logs are located by using this command:
'cd < uems_agent >/logs'
( Default location- : 'cd /usr/local/manageengine/uems_agent')
- Type sudo ./
- You can see that the Endpoint Central logs will be extracted and archived in the Linux_Agent_Installed_Directory/ folder.
The file will be saved in .zip format.
- Navigate to /usr/local/.zohoassist. Zip the contents of this folder.
- You can upload/send this log file to the Endpoint Central support team.
Remote Control / File Transfer from the Viewer Machine
Perform the following steps, on the computer, from which you are trying to initiate a remote control session or file transfer:
- Go to the computer, from which you have tried to take a remote session or file transfer.
- Login using the same users credentials, that you have used while trying to initiate the remote session or file transfer.
- Locate the logs folder in this location : C:\Users\Administrator\DesktopCentral_Viewer
- Compress this folder into a zip file
Your viewer logs are ready to be uploaded.
Endpoint Central Web Console
Follow the steps detailed in this page to upload the logs from the Web Console .
ME MDM App on Android Device
To upload the ME MDM Android App's logs to Endpoint Central support, you will have to perform the following steps on the managed mobile device.
- Navigate to the Support tab in the MDM server. Click on Create Support file.
- Specify your e-mail address and the description of the problem, which needs to be sent with the logs.
- Select the logs you want to upload:
- Server logs (Applicable only for MDM On-Premises)
- Agent logs
- Select the Agent logs and specify the devices whose logs are to be sent.
- Click Send to send the Support file.
The log files are successfully sent to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support.
This document will guide you in the logs required for the OS deployment module.
Endpoint Central Summary Server
Need to upload the server logs while facing any problems from <Install_Dir>\UEMS_Summary_Server\logs.
Note: <Install_Dir>refers to the directory where the server is installed.
Endpoint Central Probe Server
Need to upload the server logs while facing any problems from <Install_Dir>\UEMS_Probe_Server\logs.
Note: <Install_Dir> refers to the directory where the server is installed.
Sending it to Endpoint Central support
Ensure that the log files are zipped and ready to be uploaded. Kindly note that the logs can be uploaded from the Web Console by navigating to Support->Create Support File. If the Web Console is not accessible, follow the steps given below to send the log files to our support team.
- From a web browser, connect to this link.
- Specify the Ticket ID, if you have one.
- Add the modules, of which the logs are uploaded.
- Specify your email address and the address to receive notifications.
- Specify the reason.
- Click Add files to browse and select the required log files.
- Click Upload.
Note : For uploading server log files, the server must be stopped prior to the upload and can be started once the files have been uploaded.
The zipped log files are successfully uploaded.