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How to update SQL Credentials used in Endpoint Central?

When you have updated your SQL credentials, it is necessary that you update them in Endpoint Central as well for smooth working of the server. This document will explain the steps to update the SQL credentials used in Endpoint Central.

Note : This document is applicable only for Endpoint Central server hosted in MSSQL database.

How to update credentials?

Follow the steps given below to update MS SQL credentials:

  1. Stop Endpoint Central Server (Right click Endpoint Central logo on the Notification area of Task bar and click Stop Service)
  2. Open ChangeDBServer.bat file located in <install_Dir>/DesktopCentral_Server\bin. For example, C:\ProgramFiles\DesktopCentral_Server\bin  
  3. Specify the SQL server's new user name and passoword

    Note: Ensure that the SQL server credential has system admin privileges.

  4. Click test to test if the credentials are valid.
  5. Click Save. Now the credentails will get updated and the server will start automatically.

How To's

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