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How to uninstall Microsoft Skype?

Steps to uninstall Skype Microsoft store app:

  • Create powershell script with the below command (RemoveSkype.ps1).
    Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.SkypeApp | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Create package from Endpoint Central and upload RemoveSkype.ps1 file
  • Provide the below command as the installation command and create the package
    powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File ./RemoveSkype.ps1
  • Deploy the script through the Software deployment option as User configuration to the target machines.

Refer this article for deploying powershell script as a package from Endpoint Central.

Steps to uninstall Skype MSI version:

  • Create uninstallSkype.xml file in the location where you have the Microsoft office package
  • Edit uninstallSkype.xml file as given below, 
    <Configuration Product="LyncEntry"> 
    <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> 
    <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never"/> 
    <Logging Path="C:\Skype"/>
  • Save the filevafter making the customization changes. Note: Refer this document to know more about Microsoft Skype Product ID
  • Create a package in Endpoint Central with MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command as package type.
  • Specify the UnInstallation Command with Switches/Arguments as setup.exe /uninstall LyncEntry /config uninstallSkype.xml
    For example, "\\DC-K12R2-1\DCSWRepository\SkypeForBusiness\setup.exe" /uninstall LyncEntry /config "\\DC-K12R2-1\DCSWRepository\SkypeForBusiness\uninstallSkype.xml"
  • Click Add Package
  • Create the configuration with the created package and deploy this to the target machine.

Steps to uninstall Skype for Business Basic 2016 Click-to-Run version:

  • Download Office Deployment Tool and extract the files in a folder.
  • Create a configuration file to uninstall Skype for Business Basic 2016 in the folder.

<Remove All="FALSE">
<Product ID="SkypeforBusinessEntryRetail" >
<Language ID="en-us" />
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE"/>

  • Create package in Endpoint Central
  • Upload setup.exe and uninstallSkypeForBusiness.xml using HTTP upload option.
  • Use the below switch to uninstall the application
    setup.exe /configure uninstallSkypeForBusiness.xml
  • If you want to uninstall using Network Path/HTTP Path, then paste the setup.exe and uninstallSkypeForBusiness.xml to the shared path and provide uninstall command as below:
    "\setup.exe" /configure "\uninstallSkypeForBusiness.xml"
  • Create the configuration with the created package and deploy this to the target machine

Steps to remove Skype from Office 365:

  • Download Office Deployment tool. Extract the downloaded files to a folder.
  • Create uninstallSkype.xml file in the extracted office setup folder:

<Add Version="MatchInstalled">
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="MatchOS" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Lync" />
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
</Configuration> //
Note: If you are using Office 365 business edition, then the product ID should be O365BusinessRetail. The product ID may changed based on Office 365 edition used.

  • Use the /download command to download all the dependant files.
  • setup.exe /download uninstallSkype.xml
  • Create Software Package in Endpoint Central. Zip the setup.exe, uninstallSkype.xml and the other downloaded Office files from this folder. Upload the zip files in the Endpoint Central package.
  • Provide the silent switch as follows: setup.exe /configure uninstallSkype.xml
  • If you want to uninstall using Network Path/HTTP Path, then paste the setup.exe and uninstallSkype.xml to sharepath and provide uninstall command as below: "<sharepath>\setup.exe" /configure "<sharepath>\uninstallSkype.xml"
  • Deploy the package to the target machines. This will remove Skype For Business from the target machines. Note : Running this configuration will result in only Skype For Business exclusion.
  • If you have excluded apps such as Groove or OneNote from the initial install, then you need to add them in the excluded apps list in uninstall xml.
  • Kindly test this first before deploying it to the target machines.

How To's


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