WinPE tool automatic download failed!
You can see any of the following error messages while downloading the WinPE tool,
- Access denied
- Error 404
- Error 407
- Connection time out/ bug in authorization handling/ connection refused
The error could be due to any of the following reasons,
- When the user installing WinPE tool does not have Read and Write permission to the location where downloaded files are stored
- Proxy not defined or wrong password or wrong proxy host
- Low bandwidth/ delay in downloading files
- Download from the Endpoint Central server (java.exe) and adksetup.exe is blocked by firewall/ proxy
- Proxy might not have been configured (or) authentication provided in the proxy settings does not have necessary privileges to download EXE files
To resolve this problem, follow the steps given below:
- Ensure that the user who installs the WinPE tool has Read and Write permission to download location
- Ensure that you have given the correct proxy details
- Ensure that the available bandwidth is sufficient for download
- Verify "Application Control Policy" settings in your firewall/proxy, to ensure that downloads from the Endpoint Central server (java.exe) and adksetup.exe is not blocked.
Add the proxy settings. Go to Admin →Server Settings→ Proxy Server → Type the appropriate username and password along with IP. The user specified should have permission to download the exe file.
Ensure that the configured proxy settings have permission to download the files from -
Keywords: Automatic WinPE download
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