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Unable to fetch response from Server - 12152


You can see the error message "Unable to fetch response from server - 12152" on the screen during image replication.


This error will be shown if:

  1. If there are any invalid or unrecognized responses from the server. 


You can resolve this issue by clearing the cache in the machine where the distribution server of that remote office is installed. To clear the cache follow the steps given below,

  1. Go to the machine where the distribution server is installed, click on Start button and type disk cleanup in the search field and hit the "Enter" button.

  2. Now, Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection dialog box will appear. You have to choose the drive from where you would like to clear the memory cache. 

  3. Make sure you select Temporary Internet files.

  4. Now click on "OK" button. It will start the scanning process and shows you how much space is occupied by the cache.

  5. Enable the checkbox which you would like to clean. To clean system files, click on Clean up system files otherwise hit the OK button at the bottom of the window.

  6. Once the above process is completed, you can click on Delete Files once prompted. It will start deleting cache files from places including recycle bin, Thumbnails, and from many other places.

You can now retry image replication after clearing the cache.

Keywords: Image replication, cache issues.  

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