There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request!
You see the error message "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request" on the screen when:
- Installing image creator component.
- Accessing a remote machine's share.
- You get that message when trying to log in with a domain account, but there are no domain controllers present to authenticate your credentials.
- Trust relationship problems between the domains in the network.
- Ensure that your domain controller is active and running.
- Check if the target machine is contacting the correct DNS.
- If there is more than one domain available within a network, reset the trust relationship between the domains by executing the following command in any of the domain controller machines:
netdom trust /d:Domain1 Domain2 /Ud:Domain1\Username /reset
The /reset parameter synchronizes the appropriately shared secrets if they are not already synchronized.
Keywords: no logon servers available, trust relationship.
Thank you for your feedback!