Multiple connections to a computer or shared resource
You can see the error message ''Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again " on the screen when you try to do either of the following:
- While installing image creator components
- During image creation
- During image deployment
- The image repository is already connected
To resolve this problem, follow the steps given below:
Click the Start button, right-click the command prompt, then select Run as administrator.
Type net use and press Enter.
You can view the list of mapped drives. In many cases, the drive may not be assigned a drive letter, look for such drives in the list. You will have to remove such drives
Tor remove the drive, open the command prompt, type net use /delete \\servername\foldername and press enter
Note: \\servername\foldername is the drive that you want to delete.
In some cases, you may want to delete all the mapped drives. Use command net use * /delete. This will delete all mapped drives.
Keywords: multiple connections, mapped drives, image creation, image deployment.
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