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Manually downloaded image creator setup is not running


Manually downloaded image creator setup.exe is not running. 


This might be due to windows security restrictions in the target computer which has blocked the downloaded file from running. 


Check if the file is blocked

  1. Right-click on the ZIP file, and open properties.
  2. At the bottom of the options, click the Unblock button --> Apply --> OK. Now you can continue extracting the files and run setup.exe again.

Change registry setting to default

This issue can also occur if a third-party application has changed or corrupted some default registry settings. Ensure that the following registry settings are available in the target computer,

  1. Click the Start button and type regedit in the Search box
  2. Right-click Regedit.exe in the returned list and click Run as administrator
  3. Browse to the following registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe
  4. With .exe selected, right-click (default) and click Modify
  5. Change the Value data to exefile
  6. Browse to and then click on the following registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile
  7. With exefile selected, right-click (default) and click Modify
  8. Change the Value data: to "%1" %*
  9. Browse to and then click on the following registry key: KEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open
  10. With open selected, right-click (default) and click Modify
  11. Change the Value data: to "%1" %*
  12. Close the Registry Editor and restart your PC

After setting up the registry settings, try running the EXE again. 

Keywords: Image creator installation, setup is not running


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