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How to Download and install WinPE tool

In Endpoint Central, WinPE tool is required to perform image deployment and offline image creation. Follow the steps given below to download and install WinPE tool.

How to download & install Windows Assessment and deployment tool kit (ADK)?

  1. Download adksetup.exe and adkwinpesetup.exe.
  2. Note: Please download and install both the files to use the ADK tool to create bootable media.

  3. Run adksetup.exe as administrator. This will open the Windows Assessment and Deployment kit wizard.
  4. Select "Install the Windows Assessment and Deployment kit to this computer" option.
  5. Download and Install winPE tool

  6. Under "Select the features you want to install" enable the two options below:
    • Deployment Tools
    • User State Migration Tool (USMT)
  7. Click Install.
  8. Run adkwinpesetup.exe as administrator. Windows Assessment and Deployment kit wizard will open.
  9. Select "Install the Windows Assessment and Deployment kit to this computer" option.
  10. Under "Select the features you want to install" enable the following option:
    • Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE)
  11. Click Install.

Windows PE install has been carried out successfully.

Need more help?

If you still have concerns in downloading and installing WinPE tool, avail a free personalized technical demo at your convenience.


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