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Extended error has occurred


You see the error message "Extended error has occurred" on the screen during one of the following scenarios:

  • During image creation, while accessing the image repository
  • During deployment, while accessing the image repository


  1. Error while accessing the network share using its UNC path.

  2. Credentials to access the image repository has expired. 

  3. The source machine has stored credentials about the target share which are obsolete.


To resolve this problem, follow the steps given below:

Try using an IP Address based share path instead of the UNC path

To resolve this error during image creation, 

  1. Create a new image repository using an IP address instead of a DNS name using the steps given below. 
  2. Go to Endpoint Central Server -> OS Deployment -> Image Repository -> Add Image Repository
  3. Add the repository as \\IPAddress\sharedFolder. For eg: \\\osdImages
  4. Image software for hard disks - ManageEngine Endpoint Central

After adding the image repository, try image creation using this newly added repository.

To resolve this error during deployment, 

Create a new image repository using the IP address instead of the DNS name using the steps given below. Then modify the image repository path from the old one to the newly added repository path. To get this done follow the steps given below,

  1. Go to Endpoint Central Server -> OS Deployment -> Image Repository -> Add Image Repository
  2. Add the new repository as \\IPAddress\sharedFolder. For eg: \\\osdImages. The new repository will get added now.
  3. To modify the repository path, go to Endpoint Central Server -> OS Deployment -> Create Image
  4. Click on the specific image which you are going to deploy. Now you will be redirected to the info view of the image.
  5. There will be an "Image repository" edit option. Click on it and modify the repository name into the newly added one and then try a deployment.

Logout from the image repository machine & log in again with the new credentials

  1. Go to the Image Repository machine 
  2. Log out and create a new password if expired and log in with the new credentials.
  3. Now update the new password for the particular user in Endpoint Central Credential manager by navigating to Endpoint Central -> Admin -> Global Settings →Credential Manager -> Edit Credential 

You can now retry image creation or deployment.

Remove the obsolete/expired credentials stored in the system cache. 

  1. Go to the machine where you are trying image creation. Click Control Panel -> Credential Manager.
  2. In the Windows Credentials and Generic Credentials section, remove the stored credentials which are leading to issues.
  3. Click Details --> Remove --> Yes on the warning box.
  4. Repeat the above steps if you want to remove more than one credential.
  5. Close the Control Panel window.

You can now retry image creation. 

Delete the old network share connections

  1. Go to the machine where you are trying image creation. Click the Start button, right-click the command prompt then select Run as administrator.
  2. Type net use and press Enter.
  3. You can view the list of mapped drives. In many cases, the drive may not be assigned to a drive letter, look for such drives in the list and remove them. 
  4. To remove the drive, open the command prompt, type net use /delete \\servername\foldername and press enter. Here the \\servername\foldername is the drive that you want to delete.

Note: In some cases, you may want to delete all the mapped drives. Use the command net use * /delete. This will delete all mapped drives. 

Keywords: Extended error, image repository machine, image creation, image deployment.

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