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CRC Error


You can see the error message "CRC error" on the screen when you try to do any of the following:

  • During image creation, when there is an issue with the hard disk of the machine where the image is created. 
  • During image creation/deployment, when there is an issue with the hard disk of the image repository machine.
  • During deployment, when there is an issue with the hard disk of the machine where the image is deployed. 


A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a data verification method that your computer uses to check the data on your disks (hard disks like your hard drive and optical disks like CDs and DVDs). A cyclic redundancy check error can be caused by several different issues: registry corruption, a cluttered hard disk, an unsuccessful program installation, or misconfigured files. Regardless of the specific cause, the cyclic redundancy check error is a serious one and must be addressed to avoid potential data loss or even a total system failure system.


To resolve this problem, follow the steps given below:

  1. Check hard-disk peripherals 
    1. Ensure that the cable is properly plugged in.
    2. Check for any damage to the device.
    3. Ensure that the port is working.
    4. Try using the device on another machine.
  2. Run CHKDSK Utility
    1. To access the CHKDSK utility, right-click the drive you want to check, then click Properties->Tools. Under “Error Checking” click “Check Now”.
    2. Select Basic or Advanced Scan. 

      Note: On newer versions of windows the advanced search option may not be available.

    3. Reboot computer.

  3. Corrupted files
    1. Corrupted files can also be an error. Try formatting the drive.
    2. If needed you can also replace the drive.

Keywords: CRC error, Hard disk damage, corrupted files

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