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Access Denied

You might face this error while performing one of the following processes. Click on the specific process and follow the methods prescribed to avoid this error.

  1. Image creator component installation
  2. Image/Driver repository configuration
  3. Image creation
  4. Image deployment
  5. Domain change/User addition during post deployment


You may see the "Access Denied" error message on your screen while installing image creator components during the image creation process.


The following reasons may have caused this error.

  1. Invalid system credentials
  2. Installation denied by User Account Control (UAC) Settings
  3. Installation blocked by DCOM
  4. Installation blocked by WMI
  5. Installation blocked by Windows Firewall


To solve this issue follow the methods mentioned below:

  1. 1. Specify valid system/user credential
  2. 2. Disable User Account Control (UAC) settings
  3. 3. Configure DCOM settings to allow image creator component installation
  4. 4. Configure WMI settings to allow image creator component installation
  5. 5. Configure Windows Firewall and Antivirus to allow image creator component installation

Specify valid system/user credentials

The system/user credentials that you have selected may not be relevant to the imaging computer. Or the password mentioned may be incorrect/invalid. Hence, you may face the access denied error.

  • To solve this problem, choose a system/user credentials that can access the imaging computer or modify the password of the existing user under the credential manager in the admin tab.
  • Also, verify that the system whose credentials you have entered has administrator rights for the imaging computer.

Disabling User Account Control (UAC) settings

At times, the UAC settings in the client's computer may interrupt the installation of image creator components. Follow the below steps to disable the UAC settings,

By modifying registry settings

Modify the registry settings that enable the UAC features by following the steps given below,

  1. Select Start --> Run
  2. Enter regedit
  3. Click OK
  4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system
  5. Right-click on the white space and click New --> DWORD Value
  6. Enter the name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy

    Note: If this key name is already available, follow the steps given below.

  7. Click Modify
  8. Change the value data to 1
  9. Click OK   
  10. Restart the computer.

Using Control Panel

Open Control Panel and go to User Settings

For OS above Windows 7/2008R2

  1. Select User Account Control (UAC) settings
  2. Drag and select the control level to Never Notify
  3. Click OK

For Windows OS up to Vista/2008

  1. Select Turn User Account Settings On or Off
  2. Disable the Use User Account Control (UAC) to ensure that your computer does not receive any notification prompts
  3. Click OK

Configure DCOM settings to allow image creator installation

Follow the steps mentioned below to configure DCOM settings,

  1. Click Start -> Run.
  2. Type dcomcnfg and click OK.
  3. In the Component services dialog box, expand component services, expand computers and then right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  4. In the My Computer Properties dialog box, click the COM Security tab.
  5. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, click Edit Limits.
  6. In the Launch Permission dialog box, select 'Distributed COM Users'. Under Permissions for User, allow Remote Launch and Remote Activation, and then click OK.
  7. Under Access Permissions, click Edit Limits.
  8. Select ‘Distributed COM Users‘. Under Permissions for User, enable Remote Access, and then click OK.
  9. Add the user account to the Distributed COM Users Group in Computer Management, Local Users, and Groups on the client's computer.
  10. Add the user account to the Performance Log Users Group in Computer Management, Local Users, and Groups on the client's computer. 

Configure WMI settings to allow image creator installation

  1. Click Start --> Run, type wmimgmt.msc, and then click OK.
  2. In the console tree, right-click WMI Control, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Security tab.
  4. Select the Root namespace and then click Security.
  5. In the Security dialog box, click Add.
  6. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, enter the user account. Click the Check Names button to verify your entry and then click OK.
  7. In the Security dialog box, under Permissions, select ‘Enable Account’ and ‘Remote Enable’ for the user account.
  8. Ensure the permissions are applied to all subnamespaces.
    • Under Security, Click Advanced and double-click user/group to open properties
    • Select ‘This namespaces and subnamespaces’ to set permissions 

Configure Windows Firewall and Antivirus to allow image creator installation

Check for Windows Defender Firewall block.

Note: It is recommended to exclude SMB (file and printer sharing) ports 139 and 445 in your firewall to ensure effective file sharing.

Ensure that Windows Defender Firewall does not block the Imaging computer's accessibility within the network, by following the steps given below.

  • Go to Control Panel --> System and Security --> Windows Firewall. If it is turned off skip the steps given below.
  • If Windows Firewall is turned on in your computer, from the left pane click on Advance settings --> Inbound Rules
  • Under Inbound Rules locate the rules "File and Printer sharing (NB-Session-In)" and "File and Printer sharing (SMB-In)".
  • Right-click on each rule and click on Enable Rule option.

Check for Antivirus block

If you have any Antivirus software installed in the computer where the Image is available, ensure that your antivirus settings do not block the computer's network share accessibility.


You may see the "Access Denied" error message on your screen while configuring the image/driver.


This error may occur due to the following reasons.

  1. Invalid system credentials
  2. User does not have write access to the repository


To solve this issue follow the methods mentioned below:

  1. 1. Specify valid system/user credential
  2. 2. Provide Write access to the user
  3. 3. Configure Windows Firewall and Antivirus to allow repository configuration

Specify valid system/user credentials

  • The system/user credentials that you have selected may not have Read and Write access to the repository folder. Or the password mentioned may be incorrect. Hence, you may face the access denied error.
  • To solve this problem, under the image repository, click modify and choose a system/user credentials that can access the image repository or modify the password of the existing user under the credential manager in the admin tab.

Provide write access to the user

Verify that the system whose credentials you have mentioned has Read and Write privileges. While sharing the repository folder in the network, it is required to provide Read and Write access to the required users. Click here, to know more about sharing a folder in the network.

Configure Windows Firewall and Antivirus to allow repository configuration

Check for Windows Defender Firewall block.

Note: It is recommended to exclude SMB (file and printer sharing) ports 139 and 445 in your firewall to ensure effective file sharing.

Ensure that Windows Defender Firewall does not block the repository from sharing files within the network, by following the steps given below.

  • Go to Control Panel --> System and Security --> Windows Firewall. If it is turned off skip the steps given below.
  • If Windows Firewall is turned on in your computer, from the left pane click on Advance settings --> Inbound Rules
  • Under Inbound Rules locate the rules "File and Printer sharing (NB-Session-In)" and "File and Printer sharing (SMB-In)".
  • Right-click on each rule and click on Enable Rule option.

Check for Antivirus block

If you have any Antivirus software installed in the computer where the repository is available, ensure that your antivirus settings do not block the computer's network share accessibility.


You may see the "Access Denied" error message on your screen during Image Creation.


This error may occur due to the following reasons.

  1. Invalid system credentials
  2. User does not have write access to the repository


To solve this issue follow the methods mentioned below:

  1. 1. Specify valid system/user credential
  2. 2. Provide Write access to the user

Specify valid system/user credentials

  • The system/user credentials that you have selected may not have Read and Write access to the repository folder. Or the password mentioned may be incorrect. Hence, you may face the access denied error.
  • To solve this problem, under the image repository, click modify and choose a system/user credentials that can access the image repository or modify the password of the existing user under the credential manager in the admin tab.


Provide write access to the user

Verify that the system whose credentials you have mentioned has Read and Write privileges. While sharing the repository folder in the network, it is required to provide Read and Write access to the required users. Click here to know more about sharing a folder in the network.


You may see the "Access Denied" error message on your screen during Image Deployment.


This error may occur due to the following reasons.

  1. Invalid system credentials


To solve this issue follow the method mentioned below:

Specify valid system/user credentials

The system/user credentials that you have selected may not have permission to access the image repository. Or the password mentioned may be incorrect/invalid. Hence, you may face the access denied error.

  • To solve this problem, under the image repository, click modify and choose a system/user credentials that can access the image repository or modify the password of the existing user under the credential manager in the admin tab.
  • Also, verify that the system whose credentials you have mentioned has Read and Write privileges. Click here to know more about sharing a folder in the network.


You may see the "Access Denied" error message on your screen when you are changing your domain or during user addition.


This error may occur due to the following reasons.

  1. Invalid system credentials


To solve this issue follow the method mentioned below:

Specify valid system/user credentials

The system/user credentials that you have selected may not have administrator permission for that domain. Or the password mentioned may be incorrect/invalid. Hence, you may face the access denied error.

  • To solve this problem,
    • Specify valid admin system/user credentials while choosing the domain under post-deployment settings in the deployment template.
    • Modify the password of the existing user in Credential Manager under the Admin tab.
  • Also, verify that the system whose credentials you have mentioned has administrator rights for the domain. 
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