The list of vulnerabilities mention below have been fixed in Endpoint Central build 10.0.532:
Sl No | Vulnerability Details |
1 | Multiple Cross Site Scripting has been fixed |
2 | Multiple CSRF issues have been fixed |
3 | ThreadDump denial of service issue has been fixed |
4 | Multiple Path Traversal issues have been fixed |
5 | XXE issue has been fixed |
6 | Multiple sensitive information disclosure have been fixed |
7 | Several Broken Access Control issue has been fixed |
8 | Local Privilege Escalation issue has been fixed |
9 | Arbitrary file write issue has been fixed |
This has been identified and fixed in Endpoint Central build 10.0.532. To apply this fix, follow the steps below:
Keywords: Security Updates, Vulnerabilities and Fixes.
Thank you for your feedback!
Sorry about that!