1. The Resource Browser do not list all the resources. Why?
- If the resources like OU, Computers, Users, etc., has some special characters such as %, &, ?, and so on. Send Log Files to desktopcentral-support@manageengine.com with the problem description.
- If there are large number of resources, please wait for some time for all the resources to get listed.
2. The Network Browser do not list all the computers. Why?
Try enabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP in the system from where you connect to the client. To enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP, follow the steps below:
- Open the Network Connections
- Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties.
- From the General Tab of the Local Area Connection Properties, select Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) and click Properties.
- Click Advanced to open the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog.
- Select the WINS tab.
- Select the option Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP option and click OK.
- Click OK to close the Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) Properties dialog.
- Click Close to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog.
How to Send Log Files to Support
- Click the Support tab from the Endpoint Central client.
- Click the "Support File" link under Contact Us.
- Select the "Include Client Logs" check box and select the computers to include the Agent Logs of the selected machines.
- Click Create Support. This may take sometime depending upon the number of systems chosen.
- After the Support File is created, you will ne prompted to specify your email address and message. Specify and click Send.
How to Enable Remote Administration?
- Click Start --> Run
- Type gpedit.msc and click OK
- Expand Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Network --> Network Connections --> Windows Firewall --> Domain Profile.
- Right-click Windows Firewall: Allow remote administration exception, and then click Properties.
- Click Enabled, and then click OK.
Thank you for your feedback!