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How to install 'First Class' using Software Deployment?


This document will guide you to deploy First Class using Software Deployment feature. The first thing that need to be done is creating an iss file. Follow the steps mentioned below to deploy First Class through software deployment.

Creating an iss file.

  1. Click Start > go to Command Prompt
  2. Navigate to the folder (example:C:\Software\FirstClass)
  3. Type C:\software\FirstClass\FC9104US.exe -extract_all:"C:\software\FirstClass\"the files will be extracted in a new folder Disk1
  4. Type C:\software\FirstClass\Disk1\setup.exe /r /f1"C:\software\FirstClass\setup.iss"

Installation Steps

  1. Go to "Software Deployment" and click "Add Package",
  2. Input the package name as "Firstclass" .
  3. Select check box "MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command" option,
  4. Upload two files(FCC11033.exe and setup.iss files), using http upload
  5. Enter the below specified command in Installation Command with Switches/Arguments areabox

    If you are using Endpoint Central below 11.2.2309.1,

    • $programfiles86\DesktopCentral_Agent\swrepository\1\swuploads\Disk1\setup.exe /s /f1"$programfiles86\DesktopCentral_Agent\swrepository\1\swuploadsFirstclass\Setup.iss"

    If you are using Endpoint Central 11.2.2309.1 and above,

    • $programfiles86\UEMS_Agent\swrepository\1\swuploads\Disk1\setup.exe /s /f1"$programfiles86\UEMS_Agent\swrepository\1\swuploads\Firstclass\Setup.iss"

    Note: Here "Firstclass" refers to the name of the package given while creating the package . [in step 2]

  6. Select "Run the Script before Installing Software" option,
    • Script/Software name ==> FCC11033.exe
    • Arguments: ==> -extract_all:"$programfiles86\DesktopCentral_Agent\swrepository\1\swuploads\" (Endpoint Central below 11.2.2309.1 ) or > -extract_all:"$programfiles86\UEMS_Agent\swrepository\1\swuploads\"
  7. Click the "Add Package" button and deploy it to the target computers.

    First Class software gets deployed to the target computers using software deployment.

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