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How to install BlackBerry software using Endpoint Central?


This document will explain you about the steps involved in installing Black Berry software.

Steps to deploy Black Berry software to a PC

  1. Download the Black Berry Desktop Software 6.1 .exe file from
  2. Extract the downloaded content into a new directory in the common network share
  3. In the web console, navigate to Software Deployment > Packages > Add Package
  4. Select package type as MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command
  5. Enter "Application Name"
  6. Select path type as "Network Path"
  7. Under "Installation Command with Switches/Arguments:"
    1. Browse for the setup.exe from the extracted folder in the network share
    2. Specify the silent install parameters as follows :
      \\nwshare\610_b038_multilanguage\setup.exe /s /l<language_code> /v" /qn <parameter_list>

      Eg: To install the application in English language, for all users, creating a desktop shortcut :

      \\nwshare\610_b038_multilanguage\setup.exe /s /l1033 /v" /qn ALL_USERS=1 SHORTCUT_DESKTOP=1
  8. Click Add Package
  9. Deploy to target computers
    1. Select the package that you added
    2. Click Install/Uninstall Software
    3. Enter a name and description for the configuration
    4. Define the package settings
    5. Configure the deployment settings
    6. Choose the target computers
    7. Specify the schedule options, if required
    8. Click Deploy

You have successfully deployed Black Berry software to computers.

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