How do I install Lotus Notes using Endpoint Central?
This document will guide you through the steps involved in deploying Lotus Notes to multiple computers using Endpoint Central's Software Deployment.
Steps to Install Lotus Notes using Endpoint Central
- Download Lotus Notes clients and save the executable in a network share that you have configured in Endpoint Central (Software Deployment --> Network Share).
- Add the package in Endpoint Central as below:
- Select Software Deployment tab --> Add Package
- Select the Package Type as "MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command"
- Specify the Application Name as Lotus Notes and select "Network Path" as the path type.
- Specify the " Installation Command with Switches/Arguments " as \\servername\sharename\setup.exe /s /v"SETMULTIUSER=1 /qb"
- Click Add Package. The package gets added.
- Select the package and click Install/Uninstall Software.
- Select the required target users or computers
- Click Deploy
More Information
You can also customize the Lotus Notes application by creating a transform file that can be used for deploying the application using Endpoint Central. For example, if you have created a trasform file named custom.mst, you can specify the installation command as \\servername\sharename\setup /s /v"TRANSFORMS=mu.mst /qn"
Both the transform file and the executable file should be stored in the same location.
For details on creating a transform file, refer to here.
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