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Software Installation - How To

How do I install iTunes 12 using Endpoint Central?


This document will guide you through the steps involved in deploying iTunes version 10 to multiple computers using Software Deployment.

Steps to Install iTunes using Endpoint Central

  1. Download iTunes executable ( iTunesSetup.exe) and save locally. [Note: The file name should be iTunes6464Setup.exe for 64-bit installation and iTunesSetup.exe for 32-bit installation .]
  2. Download the script file and rename it to vbs format.

    For 64-bit installation download itunes64install.txt and rename it as itunes64install.vbs

    For 32-bit installation download itunesinstall.txt and rename it as itunesinstall.vbs

  3. Add the package by following the steps given below:
    1. Select Software Deployment tab --> Add Package
    2. Select the Package Type as "MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command"
    3. Specify the Application Name as iTunes and select "HTTP Path" as the path type.
    4. Upload both the itunesinstall.vbs and iTunesSetup.exe
    5. Specify the " Installation Command with Switches/Arguments " as

      For 64 bit installation - cscript.exe itunes64install.vbs "iTunes6464Setup.exe"

      For 32 bit installation - cscript.exe itunesinstall.vbs "iTunesSetup.exe"

    6. Click Add Package. The package gets added.
  4. Select the package and click Install/Uninstall Software.
  5. Select the required target users/computers and click Deploy


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