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How to fetch particular Windows Registry Data and generate Report using Endpoint Central?

This document explains the steps to fetch particular Registry data and generate a report using Computer/User based Custom Script Configuration in Endpoint Central.

Table Of Content

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Deploying the Script using Custom Script Configuration
  3. Generating the Report


Adding the Script using Template

Read Registry Script Template

  1. In the Endpoint Central console, go to Configurations > Settings > Script Repository > Templates Read Registry Script Template
  2. Using the search tool navigate to the CheckValueDataofMultipleRegitryKeys Script and click Add to Repository under the Actions column.

    Note: You can use this script to extract important system information from the registry like, to check time zone settings and adjustments, to ensure Remote Desktop settings, to review the applied security GPO policy values, to retrieve the user's recent document path in the endpoints.

  3. The script will now be successfully added to the Script Repository for deployment. You can view the script in the Repository tab.
  4. Click Save to save the script.

How to deploy the Script using Computer/User Based Custom Script Configuration

  1. In the Endpoint Central console, navigate to Configurations > Add Configurations > Windows Configuration > Custom Script > Computer /User Configuration

    Note: It is recommended to use Computer Configuration when you want to fetch Registry data from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) hive and for User Configuration from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER(HKCU) hive.

Read Registry Computer Config

Computer based Configuration

Read Registry User Config

User based Configuration

  1. Specify the Name and Description for the configuration
  2. Click on Repository and choose the Read Registry script in the Script Name tab.
  3. Provide Script Argument in the below given format: "RegistryPath1" "ValueName1" "RegistryPath2" "ValueName2" 
  4. Example:
      • Computer-based Configuration:"HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" "TimeZoneKeyName"
      • User-based Configuration:"HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" "Recent"

    Kindly note that giving mixed paths in the Script Argument will not be effective.

  5. Exit codes confirm if the script has been executed successfully. By default, it is 0. If you have any exit codes, you can specify them here. If there are multiple exit codes, separate them with commas [,].
  6. Configure the Frequency as Once.
  7. Select the Enable logging for troubleshooting to receive the executed script's output which will be logged, and displayed in the Remarks section under the Execution Status of your configuration after its execution is completed
  8. Configure the Run As based on the type of the configuration based on your requirement from the below options:
    1. System User: The script will be applied at the System level, utilizing the System user account. (Applicable to Computer based configuration.)
    2. Run As User: The script will be deployed to the target machine with the credentials you select. We recommend choosing the Domain Admin credentials to avoid access level issues.
    3. Target User: The script will be applied to the target users configured under Define Target. (Applicable to User based configuration)
  9. Define the targets for the deployment.
  10. Specify retry options, if required
  11. You can also enable notifications to receive emails based on the specified frequency.
  12. Click on the Deploy or Deploy Immediately button to deploy the configuration in the target machines.
  13. To save the configuration as a draft or template for later use, click Save as

Generating Report

  1. Once the Configuration is successfully executed navigate to Configuration > Execution Status. Read Registry Script Template
  2. Click on the Column Chooser option in to customize the data you want in to be included in the report- preferably the Computer Name, Domain Name, Executed At and Remarks column with the script output. Click Save

Read Registry Script Template

  1. After completing the customization of data input, click on Export. You can export the report in PDF,CSV or XLSX format. Read Registry Script Template

You have successfully generated a report fetching particular Registry data from your endpoints using Endpoint Central.

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