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How to deploy a Mac agent using Jamf ?


Install Mac agents using Jamf


To successfully install a Mac agent using Jamf, follow the steps given below:


  • Login to the Endpoint Central web console and navigate to Agent --> Computers --> Download Agent.
  • Choose the appropriate remote office and select the operating system as Mac.
  • Navigate to the folder where the agent is downloaded. Extract the zip file and locate UEMS_MacAgent.pkg and serverinfo.plist file.
  • Rename serverinfo.plist to com.manageengine.ems.plist.

Steps to deploy com.manageengine.ems.plist:

  1. In the Jamf console, Select Computers --> Configuration profiles --> New
  2. Select Application and Custom Settings and click Configure.
  3. Click Upload file.
  4. Enter the preference domain as com.manageengine.ems.
  5. Click Upload Plist file and then choose com.manageengine.ems.plist.
  6. Click the Scope tab and then modify the scope of the configuration profile.
  7. Click Save.

com.manageengine.ems.plist will be deployed to /Library/Managed Preferences/ folder in the mac machine. It can be verified there.

Steps to deploy UEMS_MacAgent.pkg:

  1. In the Jamf Console, Select Computers > Policies > New.
  2. Use the General payload to configure basic settings for the policy, including the trigger and execution frequency.
  3. Select the Packages payload and click Configure.
  4. Click Add to add the package you want to install.
  5. Configure the settings for the package.
  6. Click the Scope tab and configure the scope of the policy.
  7. Click Save.

The pkg will find the preference plist deployed before and will install successfully.

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