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How do I image a Mac computer which has agent installed on it using other imaging solutions?

We supports all 3 principal nuances of Operating System, namely, Windows, Mac and Linux. OS imaging and deployment is the fundamental step in managing computers in your network. This document will guide you through the pre and post installation script execution in imaging a Mac computer with Endpoint Central Agent on it.

Note: OS Deployment does not support Mac OS and Linux OS currently. Please let us know here if you'd like to have Mac imaging.


  1. Download pre-installation script in the machine that is to be imaged and rename .txt file as .sh file.

    Note:Execution of this script will block the Agent-Server communication on a temporary basis.

  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where pre-installation script is stored.
  3. Execute the command sudo ./ and the machine is now ready to be imaged.
    • Endpoint Central Mac agent, residing on the computer with the deployed OS image, will contact the server only if renamed. Here's why!
    • Every Endpoint Central Agent has a unique resource ID that is indicative of the machine name and other details. If more then one agent is identified with the same ID, the details of both the agents will be overwritten. This would end up listing the details of only one machine, despite two machines having the same agent ID. In order to avoid this situation, it is mandatory to rename the agent name in the computer with deployed OS image.
  4. Follow these steps for restoration of agent-server communication in the computer that was imaged:
    • Download post-installation script in the computer that was imaged and rename .txt file as .sh file.
    • Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where post-installation script is stored.
    • Execute sudo ./
    • Upon the successful execution of this script, agent-server communication will be restored.
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