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Troubleshooting Microsoft Office Deployment Errors


Fatal error during installation

Cause: Previous versions of the application might have been installed on the machine. This prevents the installation of the application.

Resolution: If any previous versions of the application are installed on the machine, uninstall the previous versions of the application and retry deploying the package.

If the machine has Microsoft Office msi-based applications installed on it previously, add the component <RemoveMsi/> in the configuration xml to remove the previously installed application and install the package. For more information, refer to this article by Microsoft.

If the Office click to run based application is installed on the machine, add the component <Remove All="FALSE"></Remove>in the configuration xml to remove the application and install the package. For more information, refer here.

Either you haven't provided the silent switches or the silent switches are incorrect

Cause: The installation is not silent (shows prompts) and is waiting for user approval.

Resolution: Follow the steps given below to resolve this issue:

  • Manually install the package using the command prompt and the provided installation command before trying to deploy the package through software packages. This will ensure that the installation command is working correctly and that the package can be installed successfully.
  • If the manual installation is working, then the deployment through software packages will work as well.
  • Ensure that there are no prompts or progresses being generated during the manual installation.
  • If the progress is being shown in the machine during installation, suppress this and modify the installation to be silent by adding the component <Display Level="None" Accept EULA="TRUE"/>  to the configuration xml.

For more information on usage of this component, refer to this article by Microsoft

  • If the installation command contains any whitespaces, make sure to enclose the command with double quotes.

For example: "\\Share Path\Path to installer files\setup.exe" /configure "\\Share Path\Path to installer files\configuration.xml"

The system cannot find the file specified

Cause: The file required to complete the installation is available on a different path or has not been uploaded while creating the software package.

Resolution: To upload the software package, zip the individual files rather than the entire folder.

office deployment

If the issue persists, verify if the uploaded file names match the file names specified in the installation command within the package. Ensure that there are no case mismatches in the file names.


Cause: The deployment of packages fails with the error code 17006 if any of the following executables are running in the Task Manager during the deployment process:


Resolution: Using the component <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE"/> in the configuration xml will kill the application running on the machine without user intervention.

Note: This might lead to loss of data.

For more information on usage of FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN property, refer to this article by Microsoft.

If the package generates additional errors apart from those mentioned above, or if the errors remain unresolved, follow the troubleshooting steps given below:

  • Download the latest office deployment tool.
  • Verify if all the files are available on the uploaded zip file or shared path.

If the troubleshooting steps mentioned above did not resolve the issue, contact support with the details given below:

  • Agent and package logs
  • Configuration PDF
  • Screenshot of the files available on the share path or the uploaded zip file. (To verify if all the required files are available)
  • Screenshot of all the applications in the control panel (To confirm if there are no other applications that have been previously installed on the machine and that prevents the installation of the package)
  • Configuration xml used for deployment (To verify if there are any issues related to the configuration xml)
  • Manual installation results (If the configuration succeeds, a success message will be displayed. If not, share the error remarks thrown during installation by changing the Display Level set to Full in the configuration xml) the command for this is given below:

    <Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />

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