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How to upload HAR file and console log from browser to Endpoint Central Support team?


When you face issues while working with Endpoint Central, our product experts in support will refer to your HAR file and console log to resolve UI issues that you are facing. To provide an appropriate solution for your issue, you need to send us the required HAR file and console log from browser. You can follow this document to upload the required files to our support team.

Learn in detail on how to upload:

Generating Console logs from browser

Below are some instructions about how you can easily upload console log from different browsers.

Enabling timestamps and preserving logs using Chrome

  1. From the Menu bar click Customize and control Dev Tools button (3 vertical dots) > More Tools > Developer Tools.
  2. Click the Settings icon
  3. Navigate to Console ---> Preferences and tick the following check boxes:
    • Log XML HTTPRequests
    • Show timestamps
    • Preserve log upon navigation

Enabling timestamps and preserving logs using Firefox

  1. From the menu bar click More Tools > Web Developer Tools
  2. Navigate to the Console tab and click the Settings icon
  3. Tick the following checkboxes:
    • Persist logs
    • Show Timestamps

Generating console logs from Chrome or Firefox

  1. Open the Developer Tools from the menu bar
  2. Reproduce the particular issue that you were facing before, while the error messages are being recorded.
  3. Click on the Console tab in the developer tool.
  4. Copy the text from the console.
    • For ChromeRight click > Save as (notepad text file)
    • For FirefoxRight Click > Select AllRight click > CopyPaste the content and save it as a text document (.txt file)
  5. Attach the text file to your support ticket.

Generating console logs from Microsoft Edge:

  1. From the menu bar (the three horizontal dots), navigate to More Tools---> Developer Tools
  2. Reproduce the particular issue that you were facing before, while the error messages are being recorded.
  3. From the Console Tab, right click the text and click Save as to save it as a text file to upload it in the required field.
Kindly ensure to review and remove any sensitive information from the HAR files prior to uploading them.
  • Open the HAR file in a text editor application.
  • Use the text editor's Find and Replace tools to modify any sensitive information (like cookies, api keys, credentials) and save the HAR file.
  • This edited HAR file can then be uploaded.

Generating HAR files

Below are some instructions about how you can easily generate a HAR file using different browsers.

To generate the HAR file for Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome From the Chrome menu bar (three vertical dots), select Click Customize and control Dev Tools button (3 vertical dots) > More Tools > Developer Tools.
  2. From the panel opened, select the Network tab.
  3. Check if the record button (Chrome Button 1) is red as shown. If not, click on it to start recording.
  4. Click on the Preserve log check box.
  5. Click the Clear button (Chrome Button 1)
  6. Navigate to the page where the issue is occurring.
  7. Reproduce the issue that you were experiencing before, while the network requests are being recorded.
  8. Once you have reproduced the issue, right-click on any of the columns (Name/Status/Type/etc.) on the grid of network requests, select Save all as HAR with Content, and save the file to your computer.

To generate the HAR file for firefox

  1. Open Firefox and select the Firefox menu (three horizontal parallel lines) at the top-right of your browser window, then select More Tools>Web Developer Tools.
  2. The Developer Network Tools opens as a docked panel at the side or bottom of Firefox. Click the Network tab.
  3. The recording autostarts when you start performing actions in the browser. If it doesn't, click on the play button.
  4. Navigate to the page where the issue is occurring.
  5. Once you have reproduced the issue and you see that all of the actions have been generated in the Developer Network Panel (should just take a few seconds), right-click anywhere under the File column and click on Save all as HAR.
  6. Save the HAR file somewhere convenient.

To generate the HAR file for Microsoft Edge

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.Click the Menu bar (the horizontal three dots)> More Tools> Developer Tools)
  2. Click the Network tab.
  3. Navigate to the page where the issue is occurring.
  4. Reproduce the issue that you were experiencing before, while making sure the network requests are being recorded.
  5. Once done click the Save button (or right-click on any of the coloumns:- Name/Status/Type/etc.) on the grid of network requests, select Save all as HAR Content and save the file to your computer.
  6. Give the trace a filename and click the Save button which will save it as a .har file or .xml file.

To generate the HAR file for Safari

Before generating the HAR file, make sure you can see the Develop menu in Safari. If it is not there, follow the instructions under Use the developer tools in the Develop menu in Safari on Mac.

  1. Open the Develop menu and select Show Web Inspector.
  2. Click the Network tab and navigate to the page where the issue is occuring. Make sure you have checked Preserve Logs.
  3. Reproduce the issue that you were experiencing before while ensuring that the network requests are being recorded.
  4. Click the Export icon (the arrow pointing up icon) and save the web archive file.

Sending it to Endpoint Central support

Kindly note that the logs can be uploaded from the Web Console by navigating to Support -> Create Support File.

If the Web Console is not accessible, follow the steps given below to send the log files to our support team

  1. From a web browser, connect to this link.
  2. Specify the Ticket ID, if you have one.
  3. Add the modules, of which the logs are uploaded.
  4. Specify your email address to receive notifications.
  5. You can add your HAR files or Console logs in the specified field
  6. Specify the reason.
  7. Click Upload.


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