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Unable to Connect Endpoint Central to Log 360 EventLog Analyzer Server


When attempting to connect to the Log 360 server, you may encounter issues preventing a successful connection. These issues can be caused by one or multiple factors outlined below:

  • Server-related issues
    • The Log 360 server might be experiencing technical difficulties or downtime.
    • Incorrect server credentials are being used to establish the connection.
  • Network or firewall-related issues
    • There could be a lack of network connectivity between the Endpoint Central server and the Log 360 server.
    • Firewall configurations may be blocking the required communication ports between the systems.


To address the connectivity issues, it is essential to identify the specific factors causing the problem and apply the corresponding fixes:

  • Server-related issues
    • Endpoint Central uses the following details to connect to Log 360. Ensure that these details are correct:
      • Name or IP address of the server
      • Communication port numbers
      • Communication protocol

    Endpoint Central uses this information to connect to the Log 360 EventLog Analyzer server. If you change any of the details mentioned above, make the change in the Log 360 EventLog Analyzer settings section in the Web console of the Endpoint Central server.

  • Starting the Log 360 EventLog Analyzer server
    • Refer to this page if you have problems starting the Log 360 EventLog Analyzer server.
  • Fixing network connectivity issues
    • Ensure there are no network connectivity problems between the Endpoint Central and the Log 360 EventLog Analyzer server.
    • You must be able to ping the Log 360 EventLog Analyzer server from the machine where the Endpoint Central server is installed.
  • Network or firewall-related issues
    • There could be a lack of network connectivity between the Endpoint Central server and the Log 360 server.
    • Firewall configurations may be blocking the required communication ports between the systems.
    • Configuring firewall rules
      • Configure the firewall rules on the respective servers to open the correct inbound and outbound ports for hassle-free communication. You need to configure firewall rules on the machine where Endpoint Central is installed and the machine where the Log 360 EventLog Analyzer is installed. If your Log 360 EventLog Analyzer port's Telnet (of your Endpoint Central installed machine) fails, it may be due to specifying incorrect inbound or outbound ports. You need to open the port and specify the correct inbound and outbound ports to ensure hassle-free communication.
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