How to deploy Adobe Acrobat X using Endpoint Central?
This document provides you the steps required to deploy Adobe Acrobat X to multiple computers.
To deploy Adobe Acrobat X, follow the steps given below:
- Extract the MSI from the EXE
- Customizing the Installation
- Adding the Software Package
- Creating and Deploying the configuration
Extract the contents of the EXE
- Run AcrobatPro_10_Web_WWEFD.exe file. Select the folder location to extract the files
- Unselect "Launch Adobe Acrobat X" option and click Finish.
Customizing the installation
- Download the CustWiz1000_en_US.exe, from
- Install CustWiz1000_en_US.exe file to customize the installation. Steps to customize the installation are as follows:
- On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, and then click Adobe Customization wizard X
- Click the File menu, and then click Open Package, or press CTRL+O. Browse to locate the product installation directory, select the .msi file, and then click Open.
- Click Personalization Options in the navigation bar. The settings you can modify appear in the main work area. Specify the serial number and other personalization options
- Click EULA and Document Status, and specify available options.
- Click Installation Option -> Run Installation -> choose Silently & Suppress reboot.
- When you are done, click the File menu, and then save, or press CTRL+S.
The Customization Wizard also creates a Microsoft transform (custom.mst) file in the same folder as the .msi file. The .mst file contains your modifications and any files added to the .msi file. The Customization Wizard also modifies setup.ini to reference the .msi file when the application is installed using setup.exe.
Adding the Software Package
To install from a network share, copy the Setup Files folder to the network share. The network share should have read access to "Everyone" and "Authenticated Users" group.
- Click on Software Deployment Tab
- Choose the application type as MSI
- Under packages, click Add Package
- Choose Network Path and click Browse to locate the file.
- Under Installer/Uninstaller Settings - enter the MST file name with Network path: custom.MST
Deploy to target computers
- Select the package that you have added
- Click Install/Uninstall Software
- Enter a name and description for the configuration
- Define the package settings
- Configure the deployment settings
- Choose the target computers
- Specify the schedule options, if required
- Click Deploy
You have deployed Adobe Acrobat X to the target computers.
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