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How to Configure MS SQL Server Database for the Central Server

1. Prerequisites for the migration process

In the Microsoft SQL Server used for migration, make sure that the following conditions are satisfied:

  • Hardware Requirements for the MSSQL Server
  • The SQL Server browser must be up and running
  • Microsoft SQL Server access is delegated to a user with db_creator and db_owner permissions at the database level
  • If a database uses either the full or bulk-logged recovery model, you must back up the transaction log regularly enough to protect your data, and to prevent the transaction log from filling. To know more, click here.
  • The Central Server supports MSSQL 2008 or later versions.
  • We recommend using the Central Server's backup method to ensure an uninterrupted workflow.
  • This migration is applicable only for Central Server build 10 or above. Kindly upgrade your server before following these steps.
  • If you are using a Failover server, you need to follow some additional steps as well.

2. Change SQL Server Machine Name/IP in the Central Server (Without Migration)

To update the machine name or IP address in the Central Server server without performing a database migration, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Central Server server.
  2. Open the database_params.conf file located in <UEMS_CentralServer>/conf.
  3. Update the old SQL server IP/hostname to the new SQL Server as follows:
    • url=jdbc:sqlserver://Old_Server_Name:SQLPort;DatabaseName=desktopcentral
    • url=jdbc:sqlserver://New_Server_Name:SQLPort;DatabaseName=desktopcentral
  4. Save the file and then start the Central Server server.

3. Migrate the Central Server Database PGSQL to MSSQL Database

In this guide, we will explain how to migrate the Central Server server database from PostgreSQL (PGSQL) to Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL). Follow these steps carefully to ensure a smooth migration.

    1. Stopping the Central Server Server: Shutdown the Central Server service.
    2. Run the Migration Script:
      • Go to the <UEMS_CentralServer>/bin directory and execute the script changeDBServer.bat. This will launch the Database Setup Wizard.
      • Example: C:\Program Files\UEMS_CentralServer\bin\changeDBServer.bat
    3. Select SQL Server:
      • Select the Database type as SQL Server.
      • Enter the Host Name where SQL Server is installed.
      • From the list of SQL Server instances, select the one on which you want to run the database.
    4. Authentication:
      • Choose the authentication method: Either Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication and provide the required credentials.

sql database


Windows Authentication


sql database


SQL Server Authentication


  1. Enable Data Migration:
    • Ensure the "Migrate Data from Existing Database" checkbox is selected to migrate your data from current database to the new MSSQL database.
  2. Test Connection:
    • Click the Test button to verify the connection. You should see a pop-up message indicating Connection Established.
    sql database
  3. Complete Configuration:
      • Click Save to complete the SQL Server configuration.
      • Upon saving, you will receive a pop-up confirmation message indicating that the SQL Server has been successfully configured.This shows that the migration has been completed successfully.
    sql database
  4. Please note that it will take a few minutes/hours to migrate the data, depending on the amount of data in the database and the performance of the machine/server. Kindly wait until the migration is complete.
  5. Additional steps for the Failover server:
    • Stop both the Primary Server and the Secondary server.
    • Copy the"database_params.conf" & "Server.starttime" files from "conf" folder.
    • Move the copied files from the primary server's folder to the corresponding folder on the secondary (failover) server.
    • Start the Primary Server first and then the Secondary server.

Once the migration is completed, you can begin using the Central Server with the new configuration.

To configure the Always-on functionality of the SQL server, refer here - SQL Server Always On

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to find Port Number?
What should you do if the database migration fails abruptly while migrating to MSSQL?
What should you do if the database migration gets stuck midway or at 99% completion?
What will happen if the "Enable Data Migration" checkbox is not selected?
What to do if it shows "Cannot Established a Connection "?
Is it possible to migrate the database from Postgres to MSSQL while the product is running?


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