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How to integrate Endpoint Central with Browser Security Plus

Browser Security Plus can be integrated with Endpoint Central in three basic steps:

  1. Download Browser Security Plus
  2. Enter Communication details
  3. Aunthenticate Browser Security Plus

Follow the below step-by-step instructions to integrate Browser Security Plus with Endpoint Central:

  1. In the Endpoint Central web console, navigate to admin tab. Click on Browser Security Plus under Integrations.
  2. Click on Integrate now button.
  3. Click on Download button and install the executable. If you already have the server installed, skip this step.
  4. Enter the Browser Security Plus Server IP Address/DNS Name and port number.
  5. Click on generate button corresponding to API key.
  6. Click on Copy to clipboard button.
  7. Navigate back to the Browser Security Plus integration settings page in the Endpoint Central web console.
  8. Paste the copied API key in the API key field.
  9. Click on Save button.

Get started with the integration process right away! Download now

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