Proactively manage your cloud costs with budgets


Configure budgets based on the business needs

Create a budget policy that defines what entity the budget applies to. Associate your budget policy with the budget of an AWS or Azure account, a tagged resource, or an already created business unit.


Compare the forecasted budget amount

Get a comparison of the current and budgeted amounts as well as of the forecasted and budgeted amounts using the overview. You can also view and configure settings related to the budget.


Get a periodic view of the budgets

View the Period, Unit, Budget, and get notified for your account. Share the budget details as a PDF or as an email using the Share button. Edit or delete the budget details with the Edit/Delete button.


Schedule reports for informed decisions

Schedule four reports from the budget details section for the budget dashboard, which includes the list of all budgets, the budget details page of individual budget entries, and recent alerts raised for your budgets.

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